Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i love walking in the rain because no one knows i'm crying.

whenever someone asked me whether do I actually think of you, do I actually miss you.
all i did was just listen and didn't answer to their question.
after a while, i closed my eyes and,
i just walked away and whispered,
so much.
But i was just helping both me and you out of this mess,
i thought i'll pull through, just that i failed.
i just gave up on everything, but that doesn't make me weak,
it made me stronger in a way,
stronger to let go.
for now, you can call me the girl that no one ever noticed.
call me the girl who no one ever cared about.
call me the girl that you can pass by in a hall and not give a damn,
call me the forgotten.
i know i can't go back to faded photographs.
somethings are just meant to not last forever.
stop breaking me up, i'm already shattered to pieces.
i wish i was invisible,
just as you make me feel.
here's a prayer to myself and those who are in the same shoes as i am,
"Faith has been broken, tear.s must be cried,
Let's do some living, after we die."
the forgotten.

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